Prevention from Corona Virus

stay home, stay safe

how to prevent

how to prevent virus

wash your place

Wash your place regularly.It will prevent you from many infections.It will prevent your from Covoid 19

maintain distance

Maintaing social distancing is the most important way to prevent the transmission of Covoid 19

don't touch face

COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory droplet infection. This means that the virus can be transmitted.So,donot touch your face

wash your hand

Washing hands prevents illnesses and spread of infections to otheers as it helps in removing germs from multiple sources!

use napkin

It also prevents the transmission of covid-19.You will get a low risk if You follow this.

wear a mask

Scientists have proven that masking lowers COVID-19 cases, even in the long term.It will make you safe .

covid-19 symptoms

dry cough

sore throat





take precautions against covid-19

things you should DO

wash your hand

Washing hands prevents illnesses and spread of infections to others as it helps in removing germs from multiple sources!

always wear a mask

Wearing masks is a crucial preventative strategy as it reduces the further spread of the COVID-19 virus. Masks are a vital measure to save lives and suppress the transmission of covid!

stay home in case of covid 19 symptoms

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and either: you have a high temperature; you do not feel well enough to go to work!

things you should NOT DO

avoid close contact with animals

Avoiding close contact with animals is also suggested as it may spread covid-19 if they are infected!

avoid close contact with people

Social distancing aims to prevent this spread by reducing close contact between people. It may sound inconvenient, but it's a social responsibility we should all take seriously!

avoid crowded area

It’s important to avoid crowds as much as possible while COVID-19 is spreading. But you can take steps to reduce risk if physical distance isn’t an option!

consult to our doctors

Mohit Shukla

senior Doctor(Paras Hospital,Patna)

Sonam Gupta

Senior doctor(P.M.C.H Patna)

Miss Sabhyata

senior doctor(AIMS Patna)

how to wash hand properly

water and soap

palm to palm

Between Fingurs

Focus on Thumbs

Back of Hands

Focus on wrist